

简介麦克斯凯股份公司(MIKSKAAR AS)成立于1994年,是爱沙尼亚最大的草炭生产商和出口商。公司自有多个开发基地及加工厂,年产草炭基质60万立方左右,已畅销全球五十多个国家和地区。产品全部采用优质波罗的海泥炭藓制成。 麦克斯凯(MIKSKAAR)品牌草炭基质,精选中低分解程度的泥炭藓加工而成。根据纤维规格不同,产品拥有 育苗基质 和 栽培基质 两大系列。产品涵盖了蔬菜育苗、植物扦插、多肉系列,以及各种花卉的长期栽培等多个领域。 麦克斯凯股份公司(MIKSKAAR AS) 中国总代理:400-008-9709 企业淘宝店铺:麦克斯凯

英文简介Mikskaar As is an Estonian family company and one of the largest peat producers in our country. The main goal of our existence is to be able to serve any grower anywhere in the world with the best substrate to make the plants grow. Mikskaar has provided growers with peat products for approximately 30 years already. Our peat fields are well chosen and cared for, far from any pollutants and weed free; all peat fields are of substantial size and depth, located in Estonia. The factories are in Estonia, all well equipped for production of high quality substrates. All the installations are constantly tuned, improved and renewed. Diversity and flexibility are beneficial, we always aim to meet the needs and wishes of our customers and implement modifications if necessary. Mikskaar is a member of the German quality control Gütegemeinschaft Substrate since 2001, the RAL quality sign assures the user that the product is reliable and that it has been analysed according to the agreed and accepted norms.


展位W1 A217

商标中文名称:麦克斯凯         商标英文名称:MIKSKAAR


麦克斯凯 泥炭

介绍:麦克斯凯 MIKSKAAR 育苗基质 , 纯泥炭 , 规格: 0-6 mm, 适用于:蔬菜育苗、植物扦插、穴盘端盘播种。

麦克斯凯 泥炭

麦克斯凯 泥炭

介绍:麦克斯凯 MIKSKAAR 育苗、扦插基质, 纯泥炭 , 规格:0-10 mm, 适用于:播种育苗、花木扦插、营养钵杯育苗。

麦克斯凯 泥炭

麦克斯凯 泥炭

介绍:麦克斯凯 MIKSKAAR 栽培基质, 纯泥炭 , 规格:6-20 mm , 适用于:花卉栽培、中小盆栽、生长期较长的植物。

麦克斯凯 泥炭



